Saturday, May 24, 2014

Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake


Anna Dressed In Blood
Kendare Blake
Rating: 5 stars

Anyone who really knows me, would know about my obsession with blood and dead girls. So it was no surprise that I would want to read this book as soon as I saw it. (And the cover, oh, the cover!) Whether I'd like it or not was an entirely different story. I'll have you know, that I absolutely love Lenore. Poe's Lenore and Dirge's Lenore. But there are countless other books with dead girls that I can't even care to remember them, they were that bad.

The thing with horror books is that they can be as scary as you want them to be. When watching a movie, you get a package deal of horrific images that may scare or be just meh, depending on your own spook-o-meter. But books give you the liberty of imagining those scary ghosts and creatures in any way you want to, providing just the base. My imagination is crazy. Parts of this book had me freaking out and seeing shadows around my room. The fact that I read in absolute darkness (on my Kindle) may have contributed to my fears.

To be honest, in hindsight, this book isn't all that scary. It's about a young guy who kills ghost who are out wreaking havoc and murdering people. And then he comes across Anna, who is the most vindictive, bloodiest ghost he has ever faced. Saying more would be giving out spoilers.

But I have to say, after Lish McBride's Necromancer books, this is the only one that kept me up all night to finish it. I'll be reading the sequel soon.


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