Saturday, May 24, 2014

While Reading Manon Lescaut


Let me make it perfectly clear from the get-go that I really don't enjoy reading 18th century French Literature, mainly because I can't read them in French, and translations simply take away the real beauty of words.

I'm currently reading Manon Léscaut by Abbe Prévost for a coursera course titled 'The Fiction of Relationship' (Brown University). It isn't a long read, a mere 192 pages BUT the story could have been told in half as much, I think.

Verbosity (read verbal diarrhea)  annoys me. This book has too much of that.

The story is simply a boy meets girl, falls in love, girl dumps him for rich man, boy forgives, repeat, repeat, repeat story. There's lying, cheating, prostitution, kidnapping; plenty of drama.

I hope I can finish it soon, but it is so annoying!


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