Obsessed with The Hunger Games all over again. Truly. Madly. Deeply. This book has a likeable female character. And that is saying a lot because I've never found a book in which I like the female protagonist soooo much. And the guys aren't half bad too. Peeta made me cry a lot throughout the three books.
- Peeta
Anyways... While reading this book I remembered this one bus ride in which I had the misfortune of sitting next to a lecturer from my college.
I was reading a book by Barbara Delinsky (don't remember which one) and she asked me to show it to her. After turning and examining the book from all sides:
Her: How do you read this?
I: It's actually quite simple.
Her: No, I mean how do you read Popular Fiction? It is so basic.
I: Umm... I enjoy it.
Her: Well, I only read classics.
I: Oh.. (I suck at making small talk)
Her: You should read them too, they make you see life from a different angle.
I: I do read classics. It's just that I do light reading too.
Her: Oho, I'm sure I know what classics you read. Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. Or maybe Dickens if you want something heavy. (Dickens is heavy?) Those are books that I read in school. (well, so did I, but I'm too polite to mention) You should read Tolstoy and Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Read them already) I could lend them to you if you want.
I: Oh thanks but when it comes to classics, I prefer Kafka and Dostoevsky. And Euripedes and Aristophanes when I want to read 'Heavy'.
That kept her quiet for the rest of the ride.
Sweet satisfaction.
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